Reminder this month’s Members Meeting is Monday 6-26-23 starting at 7 pm.
Member News
Members Workday 6-3-23
This Saturday June 3rd, 2023, starting at 9:00 am is our first Workday of the year. The range will be closed until the Workday is completed. Some of the projects we will be working on include exterior painting of the club house, painting of the trap shed, repairing backers, trimming weeds, raking wads on trap range, etc…
Members Meeting 5-22-23
The Members Meeting for May is a week earlier this month because of Memorial Day. The meeting will be held Monday 5-22-23 starting at 7 pm.
Welcome New Members
The Membership Committee recently conducted three Orientations adding 41 Members to our Club. If you see someone new on the range introduce yourself and help them get accustom to our procedures.
Welcome all new Members!
Members Meeting 4-24-23
Reminder this month’s Members Meeting is Monday 4-24-23 starting at 7 pm.
Stuff Going On
Membership Cards
Those of you who paid their dues but did not include the SASE can pick up their current membership card at the Members Meeting.
Club Raffles
At the meeting we will be raffling off a chronograph that has been donated by one of our members. Tickets will be available for $5.00 per chance.
Regular Attendance Raffles will be held as usual.
Club Apparel
Now available Club caps, shirts, and beanies. These items are available for purchases at any of the Club activities including Members Meetings, workdays, and shoots.