Applications for Club Officers & Directors due December 1st. Any Member in good standing can apply to become an Officer/Director. Elections are held each year at the January Directors Meeting. Applications are accepted from September 1st to December 1st each year. All Applicants are invited to attend the Directors Meeting in January & speak on their own behave as to why they want to be a Officer/Director & how they can help move the Club forward. The Club consists of 5 Officers: Chair of the Board, President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer. Officers serve one year terms January through December each year. The Club consists of 15 Directors. Directors serve five-year terms with their term expiring in December of their fifth year.
Applications can be found on our website under the Member Information Tab or picked up at any Members Meeting. Applications are due by December 1st and can be submitted in person to the Secretary, mailed to Harveys Lake Rod & Gun Club, P.O. Box 1707, Shavertown, PA 18708 or emailed to